

Retailing 2018-7-13 01:21

任职条件: 1. 市场营销学,行政管理专业本科毕业; Majored in Marketing and Public administration with bachelor degree 2. 具有OPPO VIVO 小米 金立 优衣库 Zara HM 7-11全家、罗森等便利店行业至少2年以上工作经验且业绩突出; To have work experience for at least 2 years with outstanding performance in relevant companies like OPPO VIVO and Xiaomi Gionee UNIQUE Zara HM... etc. 3. 具有大型商场,商铺资源将优先考虑; Who has lots of resources of huge supermarkets or stores is more preferable; 4. 具有以上行业公司、门店拓展经验一年以上 ; To have one year hands-on experience for exploring market in related industries,companies or stores 5. 具备良好的组织协调能力; To have good ability of organization and coordination. 6. 能熟练使用办公室软件系统 ; To be quite familiar with office software systems 7. 泰籍优先 Who has nationality of Thailand has priority 8.熟练掌握泰语,英语,中文中任意两种 To master at least two languages randomly:Thai, English or Chinese. *拓展经理/专员 岗位职责 1 . 完成上级下达的店铺拓展指标  To complete targets of store-developing assigned by the superior. 2 . 负责区域内商圈的走访与考察;  To be responsibe for visiting and inspecting in related business in specific regions 3. 建立,维护并更新顾客档案,协助开展顾客关系营销; To set up , maintain and update the files of customers and to assist in keeping relationship with them . 4 . 及时准确完成门店各类报表; To complete various store reports of files timely and accurately 5 . 密切与商场的沟通,谈判直至签约; To keep close contact and negotiate with the malls until contracts are signed; 6 . 跟进已签约的商场,准时交铺; To Follow up the shopping malls who have signed up and deliver stores on ime; 7 . 协助其他部门和商场的沟通; To help in communication among different departments and stores 8 . 市场及竞品的信息收集,协助总经理做好区域发展规划; To collect information of competitors in market , and to help the general manager with regional planning and development; 9 . 需要在各类招商会,地产会等协助工作; To assist partners for various kinds of work in investment fairs and real estate associations; 10 . 完成上级下达的其他工作; To Complete other tasks assigned by the superior perfectly and punctually.





原作者: Retailing