

Guo 2021-3-10 00:18

【工作福利】国家假日放假、年假、生日祝福。 [Benefit] National holidays, birthday wishes, annual leave 【工作职责】 1.负责产品的市场调研开发、客户维护和销售工作;2.负责公司产品宣传、推广,完成销售任务指标;3.制定个人销售计划,并按计划拜访客户和开发新客户;4.搜集与寻找客户资料,建立客户档案;5.协助上级制定销售策略、销售计划,以及量化销售目标;6.了解和掌握市场动态,及时反馈;7.按时回收货款; [Job Responsibilities] 1. Responsible for product market research and development, customer maintenance and sales; 2. Responsible for company product promotion, promotion, and completion of sales task indicators; 3. Develop personal sales plans, and visit customers and develop new customers as planned; 4. Collect and search for customer information, establish customer files; 5. Assist superiors in formulating sales strategies, sales plans, and quantified sales targets; 6. Understand and master market trends, and provide timely feedback; 7. Recover payment on time; 【任职要求】:1.性格开朗;2.学历:专科以上(含专科);35岁以下,有3年以上销售经验者优先;3.专业:市场营销,网络营销相关专业优先;5.会中英泰语者优先;6.能力要求:有日常拜访,销售推广,客户谈判及开发新客户技能;较强的执行力;良好的沟通技巧与说服力;具有独立的分析与解决问题的能力;抗压能力强;熟练操作office等办公软件。 [Job requirements]: 1. Cheerful personality; 2. Education: college degree or above (including college degree); under 35 years old, with more than 3 years of sales experience preferred; 3. Major: marketing, network marketing related majors preferred; 4. Able Chinese, English and Thai speakers are preferred; 6. Ability requirements: daily visits, sales promotion, customer negotiation and new customer development skills; strong execution; good communication skills and persuasiveness; independent analysis and problem-solving skills; Strong ability to withstand pressure; proficient in operating office software such as office.





原作者: Guo